For Small Businesses

Establish Greater Profitability and Business EffICIENCY!

Your business’ profitability and operational efficiency are at the center of your business’ success!

Our experience, resources, and attention to detail make our accounting services second-to-none. As an experienced accounting team, we look forward to the opportunity to help transform your business’ financials as we work with you to establish short- and long-term strategies for growth and profitability.

Working with us and enlisting our business services could make all the difference!

Whether you need help starting a business, cleaning up your bookkeeping, setting up QuickBooks, handling payroll, or you crave some much-needed business coaching or other strategic consulting, we have been doing this for years, and stay on top of all of the new regulations to help you take the most advantage possible. Legally, and ethically — and profitably.

We work with our clients in a relational way to help them experience the financial success they desire — whether the business is just an idea, relatively new, or a well-established entity. Whether small, large, or in need of some special attention, we have the experience you need so that you can focus on what your business does best.


The Joys Of Providing Professional Tax Services To Northern Virginia

Well, our primary work for this tax season in Northern Virginia has just about wrapped up. But notice I said "primary", there ... you see, unlike some professional tax services in Northern Virginia, we make it a point to do a bit more than simply "fill out forms" on...

Delayed Gratification: Staying Focused to Get Ahead (Later) in Northern Virginia

For sports fans, that was quite a run last week. The NHL crowned its champion (and the nation's capital seemed like it was one massive street party for the weekend), the rest of the NBA conceded to the Golden State Warriors, and we witnessed another Triple Crown in...

Four Tips For Northern Virginia Couples To Make Money and Marriage Work Together

It seems like crooks these days keep finding new ways to trick people here in Northern Virginia into giving them more money. And no, I'm not talking about Congress. Last week, for those of us in the tax professional world in Northern Virginia who are paying attention...

Let’s Talk About Your Business…

See, relative to their income, the rich are frugal. They save and invest. They spend less than 65% of their take-home pay on day-to-day expenses.

Three Keys To Shorter Meetings For Your Business

Last week I wrote about working less and testing the 80/20 hypothesis for your Northern Virginia business work cycle. I'd love to know if you had a chance to consider putting this into practice, send us an email using the email icon at the top right-hand corner of our...

Why Northern Virginia Business Owners Should Excel in Year-End Giving

I wrote something similar to what I'm about to offer you today for our individual/family clients recently, but it occurred to me this morning that YOU, as a successful Northern Virginia business owner, might especially benefit from the perspective that I'd like to...

3 More Reasons Why More Northern Virginia Families Don’t Have Estate Plans

The Winter Olympics are finished and we are fully immersed in our tax preparation process. We've been enjoying the opportunity to reconnect with so many longtime friends from Northern Virginia who trust us with their most sensitive financial details -- and we don't...

Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

As you may have heard, "Labor Day" originated during the time of 7-day workweeks of 12-hour days, in the late 1800's, as our country was in the throes of the Industrial Revolution. Times have certainly changed since then -- and our economy is no longer driven by the...

Shabbir Hussain’s Small Business Cash Flow Controls

... cash flow.Shoot, this is even true for any nonprofit of any kind of substance.And yes, my meticulous accountant's brain is kicked into high gear in this response, but you need somebody in your corner who is thinking about these things, or your Northern Virginia...

Effective Meetings Guidelines For Northern Virginia Companies Looking For Efficiency

Well, I don't want to alarm you but the chances are good that we DON'T have to meet anytime in the next couple weeks, as we move towards tax season.(That is, unless something has changed with your Northern Virginia business, and you need our help. Give us a call:...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.

But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!