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Entellics Inc’s 2017 Tax Preparation Checklist

Lots of things have been changing recently -- from Academy Award ratings (they're down), to mortgage rates (which have been rising), to the effective tax rates for most businesses and families in 2018 (which, you may have heard, have changed!). But we here at...

A Few More Common Marketing Mistakes Made By Businesses

Seeing what has happened in our nation's fourth-largest city has been a sobering reminder of the fragility of life, and business. It's helpful to be reminded that threats and disasters can (and do) strike from directions that you might least expect. And while this is...

Filing Late On Taxes? You Might Actually Be Among Northern Virginia’s Smartest

There are less than two weeks remaining before the tax deadline of April 17th.  Does that startle you? If you're filing late on taxes this year, let's talk. We can easily file an extension on your behalf, and make sure  that your return is handled as advantageously as...

Why Price Reductions are Bad Positioning for (Almost) Any Business

Our hearts remain with those in Houston and, now, South Florida, who has been dealing with such a massive disruption of their lives -- and during a time of year that is already one of the busiest. The IRS has set up a "catch all" page for those cleaning up from...

Shabbir Hussain’s Three Simple Steps Towards a Better Business Budget

It's amazing -- and scary -- how many Northern Virginia businesses operate without a true budget. Cash flow becomes their only barometer, and that often doesn't include an accurate picture of ongoing growth, or the health of a business.Look -- in addition to handling...

Solving Problems in Northern Virginia Businesses with Effective Solutions

There's this idea out there among many wannabe Northern Virginia business owners that they have to come up with the next completely fresh idea in order to have a great business. Shows like Shark Tank (which I love) go towards creating this kind of mindset -- although...

A 12-Point Financial Health Check For Northern Virginia Families And Individuals

We are now fully engaged in our tax "off season" here in Northern Virginia. But interestingly, this is where the real difference that we can make on behalf of our tax preparation clients is actually made. We're diving into the new tax legislation, and attending...

Instilling Financial Literacy For Kids In Northern Virginia

Memorial Day weekend can often feel a little disjointed. There we are with our burgers, our pools, our picnics -- all while we are supposedly remembering the sacrifice of so many thousands who laid down their lives in the line of duty for this country, and for the...

Effective Meetings Guidelines For Northern Virginia Companies Looking For Efficiency

Well, I don't want to alarm you but the chances are good that we DON'T have to meet anytime in the next couple weeks, as we move towards tax season.(That is, unless something has changed with your Northern Virginia business, and you need our help. Give us a call:...

Focus Training For Folks In Northern Virginia

Now that we're into June, it really does feel like summer is here. The air conditioning kicks in, the days are hotter ... and, if you're like me, "focus" becomes something I have to set myself towards. It doesn't just "happen" -- especially when the days are hot. It...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.

But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!